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Monday, August 8, 2011

Cedar Point

It was Nick & my first trip to Cedar Point together. How scary is that? We've been together 7 years now and are finally just making our way there. Anyway, Mom & Dad bought all of us tickets and so the Freiburger Crew went off for the day! Off course the day that we go was the hottest day of the summer... 96 & humid, but we all handled it well. Even Miss Emma was a trooper, she was awesome the entire day and slept where ever we could find shade.

Jeff had a blast and 3 weeks later is still talking about how much fun he had. He has his map out almost daily telling us which rides were his favorites and wondering which rides we had gone on. It's cute really...he keeps asking when we are taking him back!

Waiting in line for bumper cars.

Jeff & Daddy, ready to hit some cars!

Jeff on the kids Power Tower...he wasn't sure at first, but ended up loving it!

Hands in the air and everything.

Miss Emma trying to stay cool.

Jeff enjoying the airplane ride.

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