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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Could it be...???

That Jeff is actually ready to be potty trained??? Mom put him on the potty yesterday and he did #1 & #2...I was shocked when she told me this. Then this morning she told me he went potty again and he is so proud of himself. And he did it one day last week for her too, but she said she would really work with him if we wanted her too!!! Thanks Mom!!!

I'm not getting my hopes up, but if we could get him potty trained that would be awesome! To have one less expense would be even better, but we'll see what happens. Of course we'll have to see if he goes on the potty for us, or if it's only for mom, which wouldn't surprise me!

Monday, March 30, 2009

What Did We Even Do This Weekend?

Somehow it's already Monday, but I can't even really tell you what we did this weekend. I guess it wasn't a jammed packed weekend, but in a sense that's a good thing, right? We started off the weekend on a great note by heading to the fish fry at church. The line however was wrapped around the cafeteria and up the stairs. Nick played with Jeff outside for a little bit while I was in line, but since the line wasn't getting any better, we decided on carrying it out instead. This was by far the better choice! Mom & Dad had Hoover's come back to the house, so it was one big party!!!! I love when there are lots of people at the house.

Saturday we were up with nothing planned! Mom & I took Jeff and ran errands. She took me into Aldi and I have found a new store I love. Well I guess I should say I love the deals that the store offers...holy cow, I'll be shopping there more often I'm sure. The guys headed out to John's and then they spent the afternoon looking for places to hunt. I took a nap when Jeff napped and then we all gathered back home for dinner. The day was not that great, but it felt good to do nothing.

Sunday I was up early and Jeff & I went to church with the family, Nick was sick so he stayed home, but Jeff and I enjoyed church and then breakfast out. However by the time we got home Jeff was being crabby so he went down for a nap since we had a birthday party to go too. While he napped I ran to Meijers for a few things and get pictures developed, it felt great to do that by myself and not worry about a whiney child. But when I return home to an upset hudband because Jeff doesn't want him, he wants my mom instead and a little boy who has gotten in trouble for not wanting his dad, it makes me seriously question why I left in the first place. In the afternoon we headed out to Amanda & Justin's to celebrate Audrey's 1st Birthday and we all had such a great time!!! We were there from 12-3:20 and Jeff enjoyed playing with the older kids and even did okay with no opening the presents. When we arrived back home later on we all enjoyed some yummy beer from Granite City, well everyone expect for Jeff, but seriously he would drink it if you gave it to him. Mom & I made quesadillas for dinner and they were enjoyed by all. Felt good to put Jeff to bed early and enjoy a quiet evening.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Well Back To The Grindstone...

I hate working! There is nothing else really say besides that, but seriously I hate it! It was wonderful being off the past few days. It felt great not to be on a schedule, just to relax and get things done that I thought of, not making lists and trying to get everything done quickly. I was dreading coming back to work today. I had tears in my eyes as I pulled out of the driveway, just picturing telling the boss I couldn't do this anymore and I wanted to be home with my little guy, but as you can see I'm sitting at work blogging away!

The weekend was great to say the least! Friday Steph was off too so we hung out together for awhile, then when Nick got off work Steph & John were over and we started tearing out the bushed at the house for Mom & Dad. It looks good with all of the bushes out and the cherry tree down. It felt great to be outside and share laughs and sunshine with everyone. Of course Jeff was unsure of the chainsaw yet again and freaks out when it's one, but after it was shut off we had a good time.

Saturday morning was a little bit of relaxing and then we went to look at a house in Maumee. LOVE the house, but not getting my hopes up to high! Would last us a long time, price is right, needs some love and the basement needs fix, but for the most part it would be a great place to call home. The best part about today was we paid off our credit card!!! We are now credit card debt free, which is such a huge blessing and a nice relief. Now we can actually look to move out of mom and dad's which is even better!!! The afternoon was spent hauling dirt...16 loads to be exact and taking out a tree stump. I didn't do much, but it was fun watching everyone else dumping and hauling.

Sunday morning I was up early to get ready to head to Marion for the day for Lukas's baptism. John & Steph were watching Jeff for us so Nick & I were excited about our quiet car ride down. The baptism was great and they have a really nice house. OMG their woodwork in the house is amazing and it will be a great place for them to start off and live for awhile. It was nice just to be with Nick, but I really missed Jeff. Of course the minute we walk in the door he starts his fits and crying around, so why did I miss him? It felt weird not having him with us, but it's seriously so much easier not doing those long day trips with him.

Yesterday was great, epsecially since Nick & I both had the day off of work! We went and got blood work done in the morning, and then didn't do a whole lot of anything the rest of the day! Mom & Dad came home last night and Jeff was awake in his crib waiting on them I think. He was so cute and excited to see them! Mom said he changed a lot over the 5 days they didn't see him...amazing to me really.

Friday, March 20, 2009


And yes it's meant to be in caps!!! Since the babysitter is gone I get to take a few days off of work and I'm loving it. It was so nice relaxing with Jeff today and not being on a schedule, he was even better for me today. I'm sure it's because I wasn't stressed out from my day at work and he can sense all of that. I'm wishing I really didn't have to work, but I know I do. Even Nick has commented on my attitude these past couple nights...maybe he'll get the hint!!! Here's to enjoying a few more days off!

Early Birthday Celebration for Mom

Well since Mom & Dad are in Atlants for a little business get away we needed to celebrate Mom's Birthday early. Wednesday night we headed out to Steph & John's and celebrated mom's birthday!!! We had a great time...mexican dinner, and jumbo german chocolate cupcakes. We had an awesome time and mom got a few nice things. Hope they are having a great time and that she enjoy's her birthday tomorrow!

Grandma & Jeff blew out the candle together!

Jeff found Uncle John's nerf gun and he spent all night playing with it.
Here he was trying to shoot Bo Bear who was sitting on the mantle!!!

Ice-Cream Cone

Jeff is loving ice-cream and asking for it all of the time! On Tuesday I had to go and the store and get some things and Jeff saw ice-cream cones. I figured why not, eating ice-cream at home is cheaper then going out all the time right? He was so excited for that ice-cream cone all night and when I finally gave it to him he had the biggest grin on his face. Since it was nice out I took him outside and and figured I'd be able to grab some great shots!

He is getting so big...I can't believe he's 26 months old, he's such a joy to be around powerful perfect and all!

Who wouldn't want him to blow you a kiss?

Caught a genuine smile!

I love how the green cone watches the shirt!

Now how should I get down and hold onto the cone?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happ St. Patrick's Day

May you have:
A world of wishes at your command
God and his angels close at hand
Friends and family their love impart,
And Irish blessings in you heart.

Hope everyone enjoys the day and does something special to celebrate! Tonight we are having the traditional Jigs Dinner, Green Beer & some Green Bread... I can't wait!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

55 Degrees Means Wonderful Evening!

It was awesome to get off of work tonight and be able to enjoy the nice weather. Jeff had speech at 330 and then we had to run to Target to get a few things but we were home by 430. I needed to get mom her birthday gift so Nick, Jeff & I walked over to the mall...yes that's right we walked and it felt great! I'm going to do that with Jeff more often because he likes to play on the animals over at the mall, it kills time and it's great exercise!

The rest of the night was spent enjoying dinner and running some errands! It's 945 and I'm sitting in bed updating the blog and then I'm going to bed! It's going to be 70 tomorrow so it should be another great day.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spring Is Creeping Closer

Seriously...Oh My Goodness we are loving this weather, need I say anything else? I was so happy the weather was nice over the weekend! Nick & I had planned to stay home and take Jeff to the zoo since it was going to be nice out. Well plans changed Thursday night when everyone was talking about the lake and Jeff went nuts and wanted to go to. We tried to tell him we were staying home, but he wasn't giving up, so whatever we can go to the lake, that sounds like fun too! It was nice to get back up to the lake, especially since we hadn't been up there since hunting season in November and a nice sunny weekend was perfect!

We headed up Friday night and had a perfect car ride with Jeff. We even stopped at the airport in Angola so he could see a plane that was sitting out with the owners getting ready to take it up for a ride. It was so cute to listen to him describe how the propeller started off slow, but then gradually got faster and faster. We sat by the hangers and waited for it to take off and then continued to the lake. Jeff was so excited to be there! He was running around the yard, checking out the water, and the was cute to watch him "remember" where he was. Mom & Dad had gotten some pizza so we all sat around and ate some dinner then just hung out and watched tv. Our night Friday night was not much fun! Jeff started out sleeping in our bed and then I moved him to the bunk bed (yes I decided to try and get him to sleep in a big boy bed for the first time...not smart.) So he wakes up at 12 and decides he needs to sleep in bed with mom & dad, well mom mostly. The little bugger tosses and turns all night long. At some point he ended up with his head down by our feet!

Of course he was so excited that he was at the lake that he was up 5:15, a little early for mom! Saturday morning we had some errands to run and then we went to the dentist! It felt great to get our teeth cleaned and the next date is written on my calendar already! But really I spent a lot of time at the dentist and then we were outside all afternoon trimming trees, and Jeff was playing with the neighbors. It just felt great to be outside!

The Boys watching Dad cut down the tree!

Aunt Steph crushing branches in the truck.

The boys doing lord only knows what.

Enjoying the neighbors slide.

The little monster in mom & dad's bed.

Sunday we were up early for church and then we headed to breakfast at Adams Lake Pub. That place is awesome! We came home spent some more time outside and then we headed home so Jeff could take a nap. Of course I decided it was a good idea to stop at the outlets and get a few things for Jeff, and it put us a little behind schedule, but it was fun! We got home, relaxed and then just enjoyed the evening! I'm sad that it's Sunday night and I have to go to work tomorrow, but yeah for a short work week!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Congrats Boys on the Championship!

The basketball season has finally come to an end! Nick's team played last night at Central Catholic, Nick was so excited the boys got to play there, and ended their season with a win. These boys won the 7th Grade A Championship!!! The season was great and so much fun...I think I'm actually going to miss getting to go the games, I know Jeff will!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Gorgeous Weather!

Okay this weather has been amazing and I'm wishing it would stay just a little longer. Teasing us with 67 degrees, then dropping to 40 is not what I call that much fun! I was glad the weather was nice when we got off work today though because we took Jeff to the park. I wanted Nick to see how much he'd grown up and what he's like at the park now! I think Jeff gave Nick a run for his money. It was a good thing we were all going for pizza when we were done because we were all hungry!

Jeff looking like a little man!

Pointing to the train going by

One...Two...Three - who will win?

Look at that smile! He's getting so big!

Dad & Jeff watching the train go by.

After the park we met John & Steph for pizza! It was nice to hang out with them without other people around for a change. Amazing how much there is to talk about even though you see them a lot.

Saturday morning was nice really. I got up early and rode the bike, then hurried and got Jeff ready for the doctors appointment...he needed his ears checked. His poor ear was built up in wax and his tube in that ear is not in place anymore, which was not something I wanted to hear, but what can you do? After the doctors we did a quick grocery trip and then Nick's parents came up for a visit. Well kind of a visit anyway... the boys went to watch tournament games and the girls stayed and hung out. Ruthann played with Jeff outside while I did some baking, worked out great. When the guys got back we headed to Max & Erma's for lunch and then took them out to the plant to show them how big the addition is going to be. Saturday night we had Steph & Nick over which is always so much fun. It's so nice having friends and everyone gets along so well. We had lots of laughs that's for sure!!!

Grandma Stultz & Jeff picking up branches in the yard.

Sunday we lost an hour!!! I hate this time change because I'm always so tired that day but it wasn't to bad this year. Jeff woke up at 8 just like I wanted him too and he & I hung out for a bit while Nick slept in a little longer. Nick took Jeff to Bass Pro in the morning so I could get some cleaning done around the house. It was so nice having it quiet... John & Steph came over later on and they put the branches that dad had cut on Saturday into John's truck. Of course Jeff was being his helpful self and got out there too...

I love that he is such a helper!

Grandma Stultz had given Jeff a $1 yesterday for ice-cream so I took him to McDonald's so he could get his ice-cream. This was his first official ice-cream from someplace other then our freezer. It took him forever to eat the darn thing too!

For some reason Jeff LOVES taking baths in the laundry room sink! Dad gave Jeff the idea Sunday night so he wanted yet another bath in this sink. There is hardly any room for him, but I like it just because I don't have to bend over.

Anyway, the weekend was great, and I'm anxiously awaiting the next one!

Friday, March 6, 2009

My Little Boy is Growing Up

Since it was so warm out last night, I took advantage and stopped at the park on the way home. Jeff really has grown up a lot since last year... he went down the slides all by himself!!! At first he wanted me to go down a few with him, but after he was okay with it he was going down all of them with no help from mom, even the tunnel slide. I was so excited for him because he was so proud, but honestly it made me a little sad at the same time. I can only imagine what he'll be like in 2 months!!! Where has my little boy gone????

I'm Seeing Signs of Spring!!!

It was 55 yesterday and it's going to be 67 today!!! I'm so excited for this little bit of warm weather. To celebrate I put capri's on today. I wanted to break out the flops, but since my foot is still wrapped I settled for spring like pants.

Jeff is loving the warmer weather too. He wants to be outside all of the time, which is great because he burns more energy and eats more food. This little sneak peak really has me looking forward to more days like this. Now if I could only get the cuts to open a couple of windows in the house...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad!

Today is my dad's birthday, and he's 52!! Hard to believe that we didn't know if he'd make it to his 50th birthday, but now here we are celebrating another year. I'm looking forward to tonight. We are going to dinner and we ordered a Mater cake for him since he likes him so much...should be fun!

Hope you have a great day dad, and here's to many more...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Getting Back to Normal

Well I finally took the time to get the pictures off of the camera that I've been meaning to do for weeks now. It turned out I didn't have as many great ones as I thought, but some are better then none!

The weekend was great really. Not a whole lot planned and it felt good to be home and not be in the office for a couple of days. Honestly with work and everything going on I just don't feel like doing a whole lot and it's starting to show. I feel bad that I'm acting that way, but if you even new 1/2 of what's going on then you'd understand where I'm coming from. I hate going into work these days, but I need the income and what do you do?

Friday night Nick had to work late so I took Jeff over to my bosses house to play with his little girl. I know what you are thinking, here I am complaining about work and what do I do on a weekend...hang out with the boss. Not the best decision, but Jeff got some play time so it was good. The kids play really well together and it's fun to watch Jeff with other kids. Other than that though, I came home at a decent time so Jeff could see his daddy and have some time with him before bed!
He likes to yell in the tub now...such fun!

And throw his deer to try and hit the ceiling fan... where does he come up with this stuff?

Saturday was a nice quiet day too really. Nick worked again in the morning, I hung out with Jeff, and we went to Nick's basketball game. The boys won which was great, now they play next weekend, which we are looking forward too. The afternoon was spent being quiet, going to the grocery store and making yummy tacos for dinner. Like I said, nothing to exciting happened!

Sunday we were woken up from a phone call from my parents asking if we wanted to head and get breakfast with everyone. We hurried up and got there in 20 minutes...pretty good since we all had really just woken up! We had a nice breakfast at Charlie's and then we headed out for a little drive to see where John's aunt and uncle are building there house. It's a good drive I tell you, wouldn't like that, but there house will be so nice when it's done. I don't even know what else we did, how horrible is that...I told you we had a quiet weekend. When Jeff was taking his nap Mom, Steph and I headed to the store to get a few things, but that was it. Oh the guys spent some time putting up shelves in the basement, now stuff is organized. We all had a nice dinner together and watched Cars, everyone is shocked by that I'm sure!

Being goofy and looking out of the wrong end of the binoculars.

Hiding from everyone is the box...he was so cute, he just kept giggling.