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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Another Beautiful Weekend

It was great to head back up to the lake after only being home for 4 sleeps. Jeff was just as excited as Nick & I to get up there. Jeff was suppose to ride up with mom & dad, but dad got stuck at the office later than he wanted to be, so we were able to take off before them. It was a great car ride...Nick talked more than me...shocking right? He had told me that since I get to talk at work all the time that meant he didn't have to talk in the was prepared for silence and had nothing really to talk about. When we arrived at the lake, we got wood and started a fire and just enjoyed the evening! It was so peaceful up there, much quieter than it was last weekend.

Saturday was a busy day to say the least. All of the men left in the morning to head out and pick up dad's boat, so that meant us girls had a nice quiet house!!! I took the oppurtunity to try a new workout video. It kicked my butt, but I liked it, and then we took a 4 mile walk. It felt great to not have to push a stroller or listen to Jeff getting upset while we were walking. The guys weren't even back yet after I had showered and got ready for the day. I got Jeff some lunch so it would be ready for him when they got home, but sure enough, once they got there, they left right away to go and get sand for the sandbox. See it really was a busy day!! They arrived back with the truck but we decided to eat some lunch first since we were all starving. Lake lunches are the best, sandwiches, and's so yummy! Jeff got to help dump out the sand...he loved it and jumped right in grabbing a shovel to help unload it...very cute! We had some down time in the afternoon and I spent some time in the sun while Jeff played, well through toys into the lake for me to retrive. Oh yeah and we got a boat ride at some point so we could try out the new motor. No boat ride is complete thought without Olin jumping into the lake!!! We did church that night. I didn't nap Jeff and he was so exhausted that he slept during child, slept during church. It was wonderful to not worry about what he was doing and to actually listen to what was being said...going to remember that trick for the future!!!! After church we went to Adam's Lake for the worst waitor ever, but it was still nice to be with everyone. When we got back to the cottage, I got open my birthday presents...Mom & Steph got me some more work clothes, which was very nice of them...looking forward to wearing them when it's a little cooler this week.

Sunday it was great waking up and just enjoying the morning. We had a yummy breakfast of fish, which dad caught when he was in Canada. The bones get to me, but it's always fun and really good to eat. Honestly though, we spent the day just relaxing outside and enjoying the sunshine...something I don't mind at all! We got home around 4 and just let Jeff come out of his grumpiness, since he didn't get a long enough nap, and then we went to Sonic to eat dinner. IT WAS AWESOME...well not awesome but fun to let Jeff stand in the car and eat at the makeshift table, all 3 of us enjoyed it!

I'm looking forward to the week...Nick has softball a couple of nights, and I have no plans...thank goodness!!! No lake next weekend and we are hoping to enjoy some time at home the next couple of weeks...we'll see if we are itching to get back sooner than later though.

Jeff & Daddy emptying out the sand for the sandbox.

Digging right in to help!

Jeff & Papa testing out the boat...looks like it's working to me!

Just happy to be at the lake.

Friday, May 29, 2009

AHHH...It's Friday!!!

Happy Friday everyone...I'm so happy that it's Friday, and best of all it's my birthday...what gets better than that? Today should be great at work, we are only working until 12, then we are heading to the priests house to celebrate the retirement of the lady whom I'm taking over for. It's a nice little treat for sure!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

30 Day Shred

I've been doing this workout video for 20 days now and I can tell a huge difference in my body...thighs are smaller for one, and that's huge! My only complaint is that the weight is not coming fact, it seems to be coming on a little bit. Not a big deal since I'm sure I'm gaining some muscle, but it's sort of annoying! I think I might get a bikini for the summer stomach looks so much better!!!!

Life Seems to Busy

I have no idea how I have not updated the blog in almost 2 weeks...I feel horrible about it, especially since this is how I keep up with what we are doing, but life has changed for the better since I last updated you all, so that is great. Now I just have to get better about making time for blogging, since I do really enjoy it!

I guess I'll start with last weekend...hopefully I can remember! Friday night the 6 of us headed out for dinner at Granite City, since it was gorgeous out and dad was still fishing up in Canada. The place was packed, which was nice. We waited a little bit, then got a nice table; we all sat around for awhile we don't do that enough I know, but it's so much fun to gab with each other. Saturday was a nice and relaxing day, I don't think we did to much of anything which was a nice treat. That evening we had the St. Joseph Family Fair which was so much fun! Spent time showing my face and Jeff enjoyed jumping in one of the blow up things they had there. It was a little chilly but I think for the most part it was a great time had by all! Sunday we headed down to Tiffin so we could go to mass with Nick's family. Nick's dad is retiring in June and the school had a mass and refreshment thing for him. It was nice to be there with everyone, and Howie was surprised so it made it even better. We didn't stay to late though. I think we were home around 330 or so. With working longer hours now, my time is a little more precious! We did enjoy a nice cookout though Sunday evening. Felt good to relax and get ready for my week.

The week flew by...Nick has softball Monday & Wednesday nights now so he's gone literally from the time I get home until after Jeff is in bed, and I started getting things together for the lake Wednesday evening... seriously time just goes by way to quickly.

The weekend at the lake though was awesome!!! I can't believe it's already Memorial Day weekend. I bet if I went and searched long enough, you'd hear me saying the same thing last summer. The winter just flew and I have a feeling this summer will go by just as quickly. It was a little different working until 5 on Friday and not being able to sneak out early, but I really didn't mind to much. I left the office promptly at 5, hurried home, finished packing the last few items, got changed, loaded Jeff into the car and off we were. Nick didn't come with us on Friday, he stayed home to hang out with his friends Saturday night. Jeff was an angel in the car!!! We got to the lake by 730 and Jeff ran to the sand box, all excited to see his toys, it was so cute to see. Mom had made a yummy dinner, and I gave Jeff a quick bath, then we headed out for a boat ride. Felt good to be up there and when we are up there Jeff gets to sleep with me!!! I love snuggling with him, but most of all, he likes sleeping with me!!!

Saturday morning Mom & Dad took Jeff to get some coffee and donuts and I took the quiet time to do my workout video. When they got make we made a yummy breakfast and then Mom, & I went off to do some shopping and Dad, John & Steph went to do their shopping. We weren't gone to long, but when we got back, Jeff helped Dad mow the lawn, I made him some lunch, then us girls and Jeff went for a wonderful walk. Felt good to not have to work so I could actually get a walk in. Jeff enjoyed playing in the sandbox for a long time and digging with his trucks, John fished with him on the dock for awhile...he was just content being outside, plus the weather was gorgeous so no complaints from me. When Jeff took a nap, I took the time to get a little sunshine. Felt good to lay out for a bit, and then I even got a shower!!! We decided to go out for dinner Saturday night...Adam's Lake was awesome, we got to sit out on the patio and enjoy the view, just as if we were sitting on the deck at the cottage.

Sunday morning we were up and off to church. I started off sitting with everyone, but then quickly remembered that Jeff does much better sitting further away so we moved. He was so good...he just sat there and let me rub his back and he snuggled with his blankie. I think it was by far, the best he's ever been at church. After church we came back to the cottage to have breakfast, even though Jeff told papa that he wanted to eat out...oh lord, the things he already knows!!!! Jeff was grouchy though so after breakfast he went down for a nap and us girls did the workout video, then we went for a walk and the boys took care of Jeff. Julia came over and we sat around and chatted all afternoon while Jeff just played happily in the sandbox. Nick finally showed up around 3 or so, and honestly most of the afternoon was spent outside enjoying the weather. It was an early night last night though, we were all tired from the days activties.

It felt great to get up this morning and know that I didn't have to go into work!!! Jeff even slept in this morning until 745 so that was a very nice treat. The lake was great today...very windy and kind of chilly...we decided to go to breakfast, and then when we came back Nick took Jeff to a buffalo farm and they were able to ride of a tractor, pet the buffalo, Jeff even got licked in the face...that's all I really know about it. But it was nice to have a couple of hours to myself...I did my workout video, cleaned the cottage, took a was very nice to have some me time!!! We left shortly there after though... Jeff was good again on the way home, even fell asleep when we were close to the house. Nick was shocked when he got home and Jeff was still sleeping in the car! Felt good to be home and get ourselves ready for the week!

Looking forward to the's a short one because I get off at 12 on Friday to go to a retirement party for the lady I'm taking over for at St. Joe' it's my birthday so that is a double perk!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Final Vacation Post

Friday in Chicago was a blast! We walked and walked forever, then headed towards Navy Pier to spend a couple of hours enjoying the water. It was great walking down by the water and enjoying the cute stores. The amount of schools there was can tell it's the end of the school year and kids are going on lots of fields trips. We had lunch at Bubba Gumps Shrimp Company and it was awesome. Neither of us had ever been there before so it was fun to get to experience that together. On the way to get the car, we ordered an Orginial Gino's Pizza, drove around for a hour or so waiting on the pizza, then we headed to the lake. Jeff passed out before we were out of Chicago I think and he slept all the way to the lake! Poor little guy was tired from everything that we did.

It felt great to get to the lake and relax, and not to have to worry about doing anything. Jeff spent his every waking moment in the sandbox. He loves digging and dumping the sand into the water. Saturday Jeff took an early and long nap, I did my workout video, took a nice walk with mom, the guys went was busy to say the least. Then we had some of mom's family up for dinner and it was so great to sit around and get to spend some time with them. Jeff loves having the boys around so it's fun for all!

Sunday of course was Mother's Day... we were up early and went to church, then went to breakfast. We had decided to change our reservations for the water park visit because we didn't want to rush off and be in a hurry all day. I'm so glad we changed them! Jeff took another early nap, Mom & I did our workout video and the guys fished. It was nice to spend sometime with mom by myself. I don't get to do that, to often. Steph & I decided to do a cookout for Mom at their house that evening; it was so much fun! We all crammed around their table and had a great time, simple and easy...I'm so glad we ended up doing that!!!

Monday we got to hang out and relax a little bit, then we headed off to have lunch with Nick's parents. It was nice to see them, especially since I hadn't seen them since Easter. Lunch wasn't to long because we wanted to get going, but we will see them this weekend, so it was no big deal. We took off and headed to Kalahari... luckily we were able to check in right away and get to our room and change into our suits. We headed straight down and enjoyed a few hours in the park. Jeff didn't like getting splashed in the face, but he enjoyed playing in the water. He spent lots of time just going up and down the slides and running around screaming...he had a great time! Yesterday we just spent some more time at the waterpark and then came home at a decent time. It felt good to get home and get things unpacked and ready for the short work week ahead!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I LOVE being on's great not having a schedule and just doing whatever we want whenever we want!!! Vacation started for us yesterday afternoon. We left Toledo and headed over to the lake so we could spend the night and then get up this morning and head to Chicago. It was nice being at the lake last night, Jeff got to spend lots of time playing in the sand...his favorite thing, we ordered some pizza, and just relaxed. It was a nice treat to be up there on a Wednesday night instead of only for the weekend.

This morning we were up at a decent time but took our time getting out of the house. I forgot to bring food for breakfast, smart huh, so Nick took Jeff to McDonald's and got somethings for us to eat. We packed ourselves up and headed over to Chicago. It was a great car ride, no problems at all. We arrived in Chicago and headed right to Shedd's Aquarium. It was okay, but honestly we weren't that impressed with it, and we were kind of disappointed that we spent the money on it. It was gorgeous here, bright sunshine, so instead of waiting until tomorrow to go to the zoo, we headed there today. We had such a great time. The Lincoln Park Zoo is amazing and FREE to get into to. We were there for 3 hours...walked everywhere. Amazing how different zoos can be. This zoo was pretty much all outdoors and the exhibits were amazing. I'm so glad that we spent some time there today.

When we got in the car, Jeff was out in a few minutes I think. It was perfect because we didn't know where the hotel was so we drove around for awhile looking for it. I felt bad when we got out of the car. Jeff was so tired and in a horrible mood. He was crying and wanting to go home, asking for was not fun and I didn't know if we were going to be able to stay or not. Luckily I got some food in his belly and we were all good! We headed out to ESPN to have dinner, it was okay...I think I would of rather had something else, just because we are in a unique city, but Nick had a good time, so that's what is important. We came back to the hotel and went swimming. I was so happy that Jeff wasn't afraid of the water. He got right in, splashing & was lots of fun.

Right now I'm trying to keep up with everything and uploading videos and pictures, Nick is watching a movie, and Jeff is sleeping peacefully in the next room. I'm tired and ready for bed, but looking forward to what tomorrow is going to bring!!!

Enjoying the lake!

He had sand all over him...but still was giggling!

The zoo had a John Deere tractor...Jeff was so excited to get to sit in it.

Driving the big tractor!

Jeff petting a rooster...

Daddy & Jeff sitting for their picture. I needed a new picture for my office!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Fabulous Weekend at The Lake!

The weekend started out great, and it stayed that way the whole way through! Friday Nick & I were both off work by 2. I know this isn't going to be happening anymore so I jumped at the chance to leave and hurried my hiney home. Jeff of course hadn't napped because he knew we were going to tha lake...yeah he gets excited too when he knows we are heading up there! Mom & I rode up together so we could talk, and Nick drove up with the dogs so he could enjoy a quiet car ride... We arrived at the lake around 5 I think, the guys were just getting in from fishing and it was nice to see grandpa & Uncle Tim. Aunt Helen & Uncle John were coming for dinner so we had just enough time to get unloaded and get things ready for them. It was a great evening of sitting around and listening to stories... I'm so glad I've learned to keep quiet around them, otherwise I'll get lectured about my beliefs, it's still nice to see them though.

We attempted another night of Jeff sleeping in the bunk bed...he did AWESOME, fell out around midnight but was still half asleep so I put him right back in and he slept there until 230 when he decided that he needed to come into mom & dads bed and sleep with us. I really do love snuggling with him, he just has to be right up againist me, reminds me of holding him when he was a baby.

Saturday we were able to sleep in until 730 and then the guys took off to get donuts and mom & I cleaned the cottage a little bit. Amazing how dirty a place can get when 3 guys are in the place for 2 1/2 days! We had a wonderful breakfast, and since you know Uncle Tim you know there was way to much food. I took Jeff up to Wal-Mart with me, to get our supplies for our trip to Chicago. I figured I could get snacks here and then I don't have to haul things from Toledo to the lake...made sense! I also got the oil changed in the car, it was a perfect timing and it worked so why not. When we got back to the lake Jeff was outside ALL DAY...I brought him in for a nap, but honestly besides that, it was hard keepingh him indoors. We did take a wonderful boat ride around the lake, it was freezing but felt good to have the first boat ride in for the season!

This morning was an early morning, but it was another great morning at the lake! Sun was shining early, and Jeff was outside by 9 and played till we loaded him in the car to go home. He cried when we told him it was time to go, it was sweet really. Luckily he was okay because I told him Uncle John was at home and would probably still be mowing when we got there. Jeff's face was so excited when we pulled in and Uncle John was still there! He stood there and waited and waited for John to tell him he could get on that mower and when he did he had the biggest smile on his face and he was so excited. After John & Steph took off, we took Jeff to Bass Pro and got him his very first fishing pool! He loves it and is carrying it around practicing with it, I'm sure he'll be using it this weekend at the lake. He was so proud for grandpa to come home and to be able to show him his fishing pole. It's amazing how dad just lights up when Jeff's give him that big smile of his. I know the two of them will create some great memories fishing together!

It's going to be an intersting week. My last day at work is Wednesday, wishing I was done already because I'm out of things to do. Looking forward to our vacation together, it's been since last May when we headed to Atlanta so this will be nice to be together. I'm interested to see how Jeff does being out of his element. I think he'll enjoy what we have planned least I hope he does!

Daddy & Jeff checking out the lake!

First time on the boat for the year...he was so excited to get to go for a ride!

Daddy & Jeff taking their boat ride together!

Trying to get him to kiss a fish...he didn't!

Digging in the sand

Little you see the tongue sticking out?

They were watching a boat lift go in & I got lucky to get this awesome smile.

He was so excited to be able to mow with Uncle John.