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Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

What a great night we had!! My family came over to celebrate with us which is starting to become a new tradition I think. I made some yummy things for dinner and everyone enjoyed sitting outside drink hot apple cider and passing out candy.

Jeff decided he wanted to go trick or treating so Nick walked him up and down the street was perfect. I'm glad he doesn't really understand yet, because he was fine with that little bit and then he came in and got ready for bed.

My Little Bumble Bees!!!

Emma's first halloween...she didn't care about trick or treating.

Trick or Treating in Uptown Maumee

Halloween Night!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Phone Pictures

I take pictures on my phone all week long and email them to myself, mostly because half the time, my camera phone is what I have on me since it's so much smaller. I do forget to upload here though and I need to get better about doing that!

Jeff & Wyatt at Gust Brothers Farm 10/17/2011

Nick & Him take turns calling each other "chief" so this shirt is perfect.

Miss Em, all ready for Halloween!

Emma & Jeff hard at work at papa's desk!

All smiles for her morning breakfast.

Go Blue!

All happy before going to Mama's in the morning.

Some Videos

Monday, October 17, 2011

Emma is 7 Months Old!

Emma- You are SEVEN months old! Time just keeps going by faster and faster.

I'm not sure how much you weigh, but it has to be close to 17lbs and you just keep growing! You wear size 3 diapers and size 9-12 month clothes. Really it's mostly 12 months though, you are growing like a weed. I'm really wondering how long you are even going to be able to wear most of these clothes.

You take two pretty good naps a day and sleep from 700 until at least 5 the next morning. You are a great sleeper and I'm not complaining on those night you wake up at 2 for a bottle...sometimes you are just a little hungry. (Honestly - I kind of like the middle of the night feedings. It's so nice and quiet and you just smile at me).

You are just so sweet and happy! You love to be held and whine and cry until we pick you up. You really love sitting up and playing with your toys. You have figured out how to "fall" gracefully and then roll to your belly and push up high on your arms. You still like the jumperoo and exersaucer, but not for as long of a time frame.

You REALLY like eating. You have 2 TBSP of cereal with fruit for breakfast, eat a veggie & 1/2 fruit for lunch, and then 2 TBSP of cereal with fruit and whole veggie with meat for dinner. You have 4 bottles in there too. You are starting to get people food too. So far you've tried toast, mashed potatoes, amish noddles, chicken and pizza love them all!!! Plus now you are dricking water from a sippy... getting way to big on me.

You think your brother is the best thing ever and now that you are getting bigger - Jeff is starting to play with you and it makes me SO happy to see you interact. He likes to sit in the car and talk to you and you just smile and laugh. I can tell you think he is the greatest thing in the world. I hope you always love each other.

You are a MOVER! You roll everywhere now. If I put you in the floor to play and walk off for even 2 minutes I will come back to you being somewhere totally different. Changing your diaper lately is like wrestling an alligator. You do NOT like to be still!! Last night I put you in your bed and when I came in to cover you up, you were at the other end of the crib.

I think you are happy being on the go. You LOVE riding in the stroller - you never fuss if we go for walks. Most of the time if we go for a run, you'll fall asleep on me.

I am just CRAZY CRAZY in love with you! Your smile just melts my heart and puts a smile on my face. I love being your mommy!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Weekend Post!!

I know it's been awhile, I'm sorry, I hate that I don't update on here like I used too, but it's seriously a time thing. I'm mad at myself because this blog is for me and me only... if I don't update, how am I going to remember what my kids are up to?!?!

It was a gorgeous weekend! Temps in the 70's, you couldn't of asked for anything better. In fact in was going to be so nice that we decided to go to the lake and take the docks out. Much better doing it when it's warm, rather than freezing cold. We stayed home Friday night and the boys mowed our lawn. I love that Jeff still likes helping his dad mow, I wonder how many years it's going to continue?? Then all three monkey's were in bed reading...couldn't pass up this picture at all.

We woke up early Saturday and headed to the lake. It felt great to be up there and just enjoy the weather. Jeff enjoyed gator rides, boat rides, tractor's a little crazy really, he's spoiled to say the least. We all enjoyed being up there though. Once you go up you want to keep going up, but once we are home we like to be home, it's funny how that works. My main goal of the weekend was go get some good pictures of the kids!!! I think I got a few of I just need to keep up with them for Christmas so I have a good selection for cards!

I love this one of Emma, just looking at me so innocently!