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Monday, January 16, 2012

Emma is 10 Months Old!!!

Emma- You are TEN months old! I cannot believe it. I'm so sad that you are going to be 1 in just two short months, this year is going way to fast. BUT you have the best personality so it's fun watching you grow.

You are 19lbs and probably 29 inches long, we just moved you up into the last slot of your carseat, so soon it will be time for the bigger one! You wear size 4 diapers and size 18 month clothes. You just keep growing and growing...

Most of the time you take 2 naps per day, but sometimes you only take 1 and it's a nice long one since you are so tired. You pretty much go to bed between 630 and 7 and sleep until around 630 the next morning. I couldn't as for a better sleeper!!!

You are always so happy! You love your brother and smile whenever you see him. You are getting more and more attached to mommy and you whine and crawl to me until I pick you up. You still have a sweet spot for daddy & papa though, they just have to look at you and you's so cute!

You are a crawling machine! You crawl every where and get into trouble whenever you can. The toliet paper can no longer sit out in the bathroom, you are into everything you can't have, especially my kitchen cabinets! You are pulling yourself up to stand now but still no cruising.

You say mama, dada, baba, all done, jeff and doggie. You sign all done and more, you wave bye-bye and give us high five. And you are getting more and more of a temper!!!

You LOVE your food!!! Baby food is almost a thing of the past - for breakfast you eat oatmeal with some fruit in it, then either yogurt or toast. For lunch you have some baby food, then some people food. And for dinner you eat whatever we are having, then I try to fill in with a little bit of baby food. You also like using a fork to feed yourself. We have to stab the food, then you put it right in your mouth. Still only 3 bottles a day and hopefully this month I can get you down to just a night time one. Mommy needs ot start putting milk in your sippy cup.

You think your brother is the best thing ever and now that you are getting bigger - Jeff is starting to play with you and it makes me SO happy to see you interact. The newest thing is he puts you in his dump truck and gives your rides around the house - you think it's hilarious and giggle the whole time.

You are such an amazing little you Emma!

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