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Monday, September 22, 2008

Just A Great Weekend!

It was another wonderful weekend here for us! We had a nice jam packed schedule...well on Saturday morning, the rest of the time, we just relaxed and hung out! I got out of work early Friday and left around 1, which felt great. I headed to the grocery because I was adamant to cook this weekend and try not to eat out...I think I succedded pretty well! Friday night Nick didn't have to work at Dominos, so I made a nice salmon dinner. Felt great to cook! But we really took it easy Friday evening. Had a wonderful dinner, and then we took a ride out to the airport so Jeff could see airplanes. We were lucky and saw 2 airplanes coming in for a landing...Jeff LOVED every minute of it! We were all in bed early. Poor Nick and his work schedule...felt good to sleep!

Saturday morning Nick headed off to work and I got things ready to head out for the morning. Amanda was coming to the house around 9 so I had lots to do! At least Jeff was cooperative and let me get stuff done! Harrison Rally Days was happening in downtown Perrysburg and I was not going to miss it. Jeff enjoyed his first parade (you can see in the pictures below he's dancing around to the music), picking candy up off the ground, watching planes up in the sky, and being to cute for words!!! Amanda and I walked by vendors before the parade started so that was good. After the parade we made our way up to the Carter's outlet to use coupons! I got Lauren's shower gift and a few things for Jeff...I love sales! While we were up doing that, Nick went to Tiffin to get a surprise for Jeff, the Gator! And boy does Jeff enjoy it. He doesn't quite understand how to turn it yet, but I'm sure he'll get there. I made some delicous chicken tenders before Nick went into much better then buying the frozen ones! Jeff & I just hung out and went to the park while Nick worked and I went to bed early...we are just the life of the party!

Jeff dancing to the music!

Jeff being silly!

Jeff so proud of his new toy

Sunday was another fun filled day! Nick had to work and was exhausted so I let him sleep until 930 and Jeff helped me make breakfast. We got ready to go though because I wanted to get to the zoo one more time before it got to cold. It was so much fun! Jeff really enjoys it, and from the pictures below I'm sure you'll be able to tell. Had everyone over for dinner which was good to see everyone since I wasn't at the lake this weekend!

The sloath bear came right up to Jeff, I think it was because of the peanut butter sandwich

George the Giaraffe!

Mom & Jeff on the train ride

Jeff looking at some deer

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