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Monday, September 28, 2009

Some Much Needed Pictures!!!

I feel awful for not having pictures up for so long, I haven't forgotten about them, I was without a computer for a few days and seroiusly I just don't have time to upload pictures. Last night after taking a few good ones I decided to take some time and get them updated. Enjoy!!!

Jeff sleeping at the lake...his head is inside of my pillowcase, I didn't understand it!

Just being him

Dancing with Mom & the wedding...

Looking out over the crowd...the boys decided they didn't want to dance.

Watching TV in Grandma's bedroom...he got into lots of trouble that night!

Tasting the yummy salt...such a turkey

Just like papa eating that salt!

Tired little was a big weekend!

Helping papa fix the plumbing problem.

Such a big helper!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Poor sick boy...

Jeff was sick in fact that I actually took the day off of work to be at home with him. That's the first time I've actually done that since he's been born. I felt horrible for him, he woke up at 12 with a fever and was vomitting. He then proceeded to stay up for 2 hours before returning to was exhausted, but never fear dad was in bed sleeping nicely. I will say he did get up and help me change the bedding so I appreicate that. At 5 Jeff woke up again sick. I called work at 530 and left a message telling them I wouldn't be in. When I called back at 830 they were really sweet about. Thankfully tonight he's feeling much better...even though he was sick I did enjoy the day snuggling with him, I don't get to do that to much anymore...I miss it!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Weekend Was Here?

Seriously, it feels like we didn't even have 2 days off work. We were going nonstop since we left work Friday afternoon. The weekend was awesome though, no complaints from me that is for sure.

Friday night started off a little slow...Nick decided to go and drink beers with my dad and not give us a call, but Mom was still home so we just hung out. Her & I were ready to go and grab some dinner and the men pull in the driveway. Nick hurried and got changed, then the 3 of us headed to Swig for's this yummy hot dog place in downtown Perrysburg, and then we went to Kohl's to look for bedding for our new house!!! Jeff didn't want anything to do with Kohl's so we left there in kind of a hurry...not a lost trip though, I got some orange dishes and a popcorn popper...Jeff needed that of course!

Nick had to work on Saturday, not a big deal, but we were a bit disappointed because we were all suppose to go to Harrison Rally Days together in Perrysburg. Amanda and Audrey still came with us though! The kids had a great time trying to catch candy. A & I decided that it wasn't as good as last year though. We walked around for a bit, then decided to eat at Sloppy Joe's. We tried calling the guys, but Justin was busy, Nick answered though and met us there. We parted ways let the kids take naps, I ran a couple of errands, then we went out to their house. We were suppose to go to the park, but the guys were engrossed in football so Amanda & I just chatted, and the kids enjoyed playing, it was great! We even decided on a spur of the moment dinner and wings!!!

Sunday morning we got up and got ready for church, it was also the first day of Sunday school. Sunday school was okay, I do not have the time to put into it what they are asking, not sure if I'm going to stick with it or not, but we'll see. Jeff did just okay, I think he's a little young and needs to wait until next year. It also doesn't help that it's at 11, that's lunch time. We made it though! We hurried home grabbed a bite to eat then headed to Zach's football game!!! It was great to be sitting out there in sun, a perfect day for it. When we got home we started getting everything together for our cookout that we were going to have!!! We invited Clampitts over and the Hoover kids!!! Everyone had such a great time and I'm really looking forward to doing it again.

See what I mean, our weekend was jammed packed! I'm sure I left somethings out, but that was the jist of it. Wouldn't change it though!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Another Long Weekend...

and it was a great one! Nick & I had taken off work Friday because we were heading to Indy for the weekend and Nick wanted to see my cousin Jack play football that night. Of course as our luck would have it, Jack got sick, missed school & practice so that meant no playing time for him. Nick & I couldn't decide what we wanted to do, but we decided at the last minute to head down Friday with mom & dad. I'm so glad we did because we had an awesome time!!!

We arrived in Indy around 4:30 Friday afternoon and got to spend about with Mark, Jack and Henry before they left for TerreHaute. The evening was great! We ordered pizza, Jeff played with Simon & Daniel, he loved Si especially & kept calling their yard a was perfect, 2 swingsets...what little person wouldn't love that?

Saturday morning we did bagels for breakfast, I got to run and finish some homework, and then we did a mini did tour de-Carmel (a couple of parks and the boys fishing hole) which was great! Ended up with lunch at BUB's (Big Ugly Burgers)... Nick of course ate the "Big Ugly" and got his picture taken for the wall of fame. After the burgers was the candy Jeff a few treats for the wedding! There was a vintage car show happenning and Main Street was closed. Dad especially enjoyed this. A new statue was "uncovered" we watched the unveiling..then headed back to Willeman's house so we could pack up and head downtown to meet up with John & Steph at the hotel. We got settled in okay and all enjoyed getting ready in the same room...that's right, the other room wasn't ready yet! Oh well, what can you do. The wedding was gorgeous and Kylee and Jack make an adorable couple! It was so freaking amazing... we had a great time at the reception, Jeff was good and lasted a long time which was great too. He made a new friend so the two of them enjoyed playing together.

Our night was interesting to say the least...Jeff went right to sleep, thank goodness, poor little guy was exhausted! At 515am, the fire alarm went off and we had to evacuate the hotel! I'm thankful I laid in bed the night before and thought about what I wanted to grab in case that it happened. The little checklist helped! So we all evacuated and waited took pictures, god love em, so at some point I'll get some of those up too. Of course it was a false alarm so we got back into the room and went back to sleep. Honestly not more than 5 minutes later the alarms went off again!!! No I'm not 615am, it went off again! Thankfully this time they came back on over the intercom and told us it was a false alarm. Mom & dad decided to knock on our door at 745 and tell us we were leaving at 830...holy crap, I had to get ready and pack up the room! We made it though and met the Willeman gang for breakfast. Had a great time seeing them again and talking in the parking lot. The ride home was great, Jeff slept from Ft. Wayne to Grand Rapids, so that was nice. We spent the night just relaxing and unpacking from the weekend.

It felt good to get away and do something different this weekend! A little mini vacation is always nice for anyone.
They all drove downtown Indy to meet John and Steph @ the hotel.
THye have the wedding this evening.
We are going to try to meet for breakfast in the AM if they can

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Summer Over???

I'm so disappointed that Labor Day has come and gone...where has summer gone? I think we were cheated out of summer was never really warm, although we were able to swim in the lake, it just wasn't that so hot you need to be in the lake all the time kind of weather. It was great to be at the lake for the last weekend of summer though...

Saturday was spent running errands in the morning, getting some homework done, Jeff playing in the sand, Nick watching football, and just relaxing at the cottage. Saturday night though was a blast...our neighbor next door hosts a concert every year, just some guy come together round the lake and play and it's awesome! We sat outside and listened to music for a long time, Jeff even enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to taking him to the weekend next weekend!

Sunday morning Steph & John came up to the lake, Jeff was glad to see them. The guys took the waverunner out of the water, Jeff played in the sand, I did homework, Steph & I took a nice walk together, it just felt good to not have a schedule. Oh yeah, how could I forget...the guys tore out cabinets for our house down at Mark & Laura's. They are remodeling and said we could take whatever we wanted, so we did...gotta love the free stuff!!! It did start raining in the evening though, that was a bummer because we wanted a camp fire, but such is life.

It was great waking up to the rain in the morning! Jeff was cranky, which made me in a bad mood, not fun! Everyone but me went on a boat ride, and I stayed and cleaned the cottage so we could get out of there and come home. We stopped at the outlets on the way home and I got Jeff some fall clothes, and then we made it home by a decent time. We spent the afternoon doing laundry, getting some groceries, and relaxing. It just felt good to not have a schedule! I did put Jeff to bed early though because he was grouchy!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Potty Training, Counting & Talking

Could this boy be getting older any faster??? I'm sad that he's getting so big...

Jeff is doing awesome with the potty training, he stays dry pretty much throughout the day and will tell you when he needs to go. Saturday night we were on the express way and he told me he had to go while I was driving. I told him to hold it a little longer, and he could go when he got to Jackie's. You know what?...He did it!!! I was amazed and so proud of him. Of course went potty as soon as we got there, but I was so excited for him!!! Hopefully he keeps rolling with it...

Since he's been in speech his vocab has just taken off beyond what I've imagined. His favorite words are papa, doggies, thank you, mom, daddy, mama, John, tuckie (Steph), ice-cream, treat, eat, deer, park, cottage cheese...and much, much more! He's talking so much that when we were running the other night I told him to be quiet because I couldn't talk so much...felt bad, but mom needed her run in!