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Friday, October 24, 2008

New Doctor!

I'm so sick of Jeff being sick and not being able to get him into his actual doctor. Of course it would help if she worked better hours, but oh well. The final straw came yesterday when I took him in after being up for almost 3 hours the night before. I couldn't get in to his doctor, so I have to see a different doctor, and of course I get the one that I can't stand. But whatever, he needs to go so I take him in.

I tell the nurse all of his symptoms, doctor comes in..."Well what seems to be the problem today?" So then I have to tell him that he's all congested and nothing is draining out. I'm not if he has a sinus infection, but something is not right. He tells Jeff to open his mouth...AUFKM, he's not even 2, he won't open his mouth! He doesn't even bed down to look in and says "I don't see anything wrong in there." He looks in his ears, listens to chest/back...everything is sounds fine, good news. He then tells me "Well he seems just fine to me." No he's not fine, he's full in his head, and you would know this if you actually looked up his nose. Since "nothing" is wrong with him, I ask what I can give him over the counter to help clear him out. "He can't have anything over the counter." I understand that, but give me something and tell me the dose I can give him, I need to sleep so I can function at work, and he needs to sleep so he can feel better. After about 5 minutes of him saying "Well I can't give you anything, etc" He finally gives me a script!

I go to Target and talk to the pharmacist and they show me the over the counter drug I can give him and give me a syringe so he can get the proper amount! Thank You...

After this I was fed up and done! So as of today we now have a new pediatrician. I'm sad to leave the other place because I really like the doctor, but it wasn't working anymore.

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